Do What You Love

Sometimes you have no choice but to do jobs that you don’t enjoy, but if you have a choice you’re far better doing what you love.
Some will argue that, first and foremost, you should do what you’re good at, but most of the time that’s the same thing. If we’re good at something it’s often because we love it and are passionate about doing it, and doing it well.
All of which might sound like stating the obvious, but it’s easy to get sucked into chasing the money. We know that a particular type of business model, or a particular niche is lucrative, and so we chase it. Somewhere along the line we got it into our head that it doesn’t matter what we do, as long as it makes us enough money to spend time doing the non-work things that we love.
The flaw in this thinking is that if you don’t enjoy your line of work, you’re always going to struggle to make it truly profitable. I believe that, for the majority of people, if you focus on work that you love, this will always end up being the most lucrative route.
This is the introduction for a much longer discussion, but it’s not something I’m going to get into now. The only reason I’m raising this subject is because Roy and I have made the decision to close down the “Lucid Guys” websites.
The Lucid sites have been a lot of fun, but they’ve never really had my full attention and they’ve never received the kind of passion that I put into my writing and product creation work. Rather than taking time away from what I love to tinker with sites that deserve better, I believe I’m far better off letting these side-interests go and focussing 100% on my core business.
It’s taken me a while to get there, but I’ve finally figured out that I prefer writing, editing and creating products for other marketers, over creating and marketing products of my own.
So that’s what I’m going to do.
In the fourth season of “The West Wing”, in the episode “Guns Not Butter”, President Bartlett says to Josh Lynham:
“You want to know the difference between you and me? I want to be the guy. You want to be the guy, the guy counts on.”
I think that sums me up pretty well.
I don’t want to be the Guru. I want to be the guy the Guru counts on.
Working behind the scenes to create great products for which other people get the kudos? Yep, that might sound strange to most, but that’s exactly what I’m doing and it’s what I hope to continue doing for many years to come.
Nov 1, 2011 at 11:04 AM /
Can’t we at least make one last Lucid Guys video, like a farewell tribute?