Should I Hire a Professional Writer?

Elance and the like are full of people who want to hire English-speaking, University-educated, highly-verbose, lightning-fast, professional writers… for $0.01 per word.
Writers, who preferably, also have hands-on experience in some niche skill, with which they could earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, but that they’ve given up to pursue a career in writing for peanuts.
So where do I get off charging a minimum of $0.14 a word?
Sure, writing is a skill, and I might consider myself to be slightly above average in the art of wordsmitherying, but is my work really worth fourteen times that of the one cent per word variety?
The following is what you get when you hire me to ghost your article, ebook, report, manual or home study course. Judge for yourself whether it’s worth the extra expense.
1. I study the material that will be used as a source for ghostwriting your content. It could be a few bullet-points, an article, or a 100,000 word transcript.
2. I study your emails, articles and videos to get a feel for your pattern of speech and choice of words.
3. I create an outline and submit it for your suggestions and feedback.
4. I write a first draft, taking time to ensure that I add life and colour to the language and structure. No written work, regardless of the subject matter, should ever be dull to read.
5. I send you the first draft so you can provide feedback.
6. I edit the first draft, taking onboard your comments, and send it back to you for your final approval.
7. I carefully check the final document for spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes, taking into account the proofing language and the correct capitalization of proper nouns (e.g. it’s not “Wordpress”, it’s “WordPress”).
8. Any quotations or statistics are checked carefully to ensure there is an attributable source.
9. If requested, illustrations and photos are added. All images are purchased from a reputable provider to ensure that no copyright-protected material is used.
10. The document is reviewed, at my expense, by an additional proofreader to ensure maximum accuracy.
11. The final document is formatted to remove awkward page and line breaks.
There’s an old adage that says you get what you pay for. I like to think that, when all’s said and done, my client’s consider my prices to be a fair reflection of the service I provide.
If you want to hire someone for one cent per word, you’ll find plenty of people willing to oblige. If you want to hire a professional writer, please feel free to contact me here:
Mar 7, 2012 at 10:10 PM /
Ahhh, a breath of fresh air. Real writing deserves to be paid for, not churned out by desperate people, and purchased by unscrupulous exploiters of freelancers. I’d hire a true writer over a cowboy, any day! Quality always shows in the end!